International Women's Day at Grounded 2024

For the third year in a row, the Awareness circle organized the International Women's day at Grounded, a celebration that gathered around 200 people that showed interest in sharing knowledge, having fun, and being vulnerable, humble and open, to learn and (un)learn.

Awareness Circle
Jul 13, 2024

International Women's Day at Grounded 2024

Grounded has within it's structure, several Circles, of which each of them has specific knowledge on a certain subject, and the same amount of power as the other circles.

One of these circles, is the Awareness circle - which understands society as oppressive and even though we may think "we are better than", we still perpetrate oppressive behaviors - so our main goal is to be able to create spaces of learning, and (un)learning, where together we can bring light to topics that are overshadowed by day to day life, but that shouldn't.

For the third year in a row, the Awareness circle organized the International Women's day at Grounded, a celebration that gathered around 200 people that showed interest in sharing knowledge, having fun, and being vulnerable, humble and open, to learn and (un)learn.

We had amazing workshops, arts, and music through the day, besides great vegan food and drinks from our own Grounded Kitchen.


Through the day people were able to join several workshops. For us to connect with our most authentic selves, we had the Liquid Breath Workshop, and with our own sensuality in the Sensual Embodiment workshop (for female identifying people only). A movement workshop to be connected to the present - with the Embodying your colors workshop.

Getting in touch with our feelings, with our bodies is acknowledging our sensitive sides, embodying our own lights and shadows, and a path towards becoming more emotionally responsible - towards ourselves and others. Also, acknowledging our own sensuality is so important! How many times haven't we felt vulgar for just moving a power within us that is a given - women have the ability to move their hips like a serpent, to create energy in the center of our body - getting a bit out of the head, and into the hips - let's empower ourselves over this!

Outside, an amazing zine workshop was held  - these little pieces of paper have a significant history in feminist activism. From feminist manifestos to stories of resilience, since they have been an important way to showcase marginalized voices outside of traditional print media. It's beautiful how through art we can give voice, and create awareness to topics that are overseen!

And our garden queen Sara did beautiful in her own old oil soap making workshop - an incredible, sustainable, fair way of doing soap. Bringing awareness into several topics - that range from recycling to nature's intrinsic balance.

Through the day people were invited to paint vulvas - since all Vulvas are beautiful! Have you taken a chance at looking at yours? It surely deserves a nice embrace and some loving! You vulva is unique, and beautiful!

Arts exhibitions

In our own Malala square aka our museum, three artists exhibited their arts beautifully. Simone with some home made, touchy paintings - that showcase such beautiful sensibility. Elfie with her quirky, colorful art never disappointing, and always bringing a sense of perceptiveness, and fun. And Tara, with her beautiful womb art - that also turned into an extremely intimate and sweet workshop, where everyone felt embraced.


The music vibes were also a bit unbelievable to be fair. Grounded never let's people down :) We kicked off the day with some chill, heart touching voice and guitar music, first from Sophia Speed, and then from Lampje, which brought the crowd from tears to laughter, in an insane vibe. Afterwards, Windowns 95 started grooving some International Dancing Tunes, followed by Rochelle Dietz with some soothing Down-tempo/etno/groovy. As the day started to turn into night, DJ SLUTERDIJK impressed the crowd with some amazing DnB jungly, and we closed off the night with a dance floor filled with grooves as Djosie was pumping some Trashy techno.

Well overall, nothing to complain about this day ;p

Makes us think about what would you like to see at grounded from an Awareness perspective, and what could we build together.

We hope you all enjoyed, and that you've felt embraced and protected.

And thanks to all volunteers - that without them we couldn't make it happen! Interested in joining us? Send us a message a

Much love, the Awareness circle

Photos by: Sara Lotte

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