Term of Compromise

Grounded Summer Camp

Welcome to Grounded Summer Camp! We are really excited to co-create this experience with you 🙂

The aim of this term is to establish a common agreement between all participants to ensure that we all have the best experience possible, in which we all have fun, feel comfortable, and do not cause harm - to others, to the environment, and to ourselves. We pledge for this so we can create a space that is welcoming for everyone.

From a more practical perspective we pledge that: no sexual harassment or assault, and no form of racist or otherwise discriminatory or violent behavior is tolerated. 

Furthermore, please be conscious and responsible in taking care of the health and well-being of yourself and looking out for others around you. Remember your agency, to know your boundaries, and to take precautions where necessary.

The following 3 principles are guiding for Grounded, and shall be respect by all:

  1. Consent: Individual boundaries need to be respected; “no” means no, and only “yes” means yes.
  2. Power of definition: Whether a boundary is overstepped or not is defined by the affected person*. Their perception needs to be taken seriously, regardless of what the other party thinks. Don’t disregard or downgrade their experience.
  3. Partiality: We stand behind the affected person and their perception, and support them as much as we can. If necessary and wanted, we take action.

More details on Awareness, and its due agency, and procedures will be briefed in the camping entrance. There will be Awareness people available at all times.

By confirming your attendance in this event, you acknowledge that it is also your duty to ensure that the campgrounds are a safeR space for all, therefore: “I will do my best to respect my surroundings (the people, and the environment), to call out to someone from the Awareness team in case I do not feel safe, or in case I see something I disagree with”.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Awareness Team and we will get back to you shortly (awareness@grounded-community.org)

Care: for yourself, for others, for the community and the planet!

* We speak of affected persons rather than victims, as the latter is often connoted with helplessness, weakness and passivity. By saying an affected person, we let them decide how they want to define themselves/their feelings.

I agree to the term of compromise